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Dear fellow harpists and colleagues of the Toronto Chapter of the American Harp Society,

Greetings. I am very honored to be elected as the President of the Toronto Harp Society this
year. Let me take this opportunity to introduce to you two other newly elected members;
Vice-President Julie Umbrico, and Secretary George Pryor. Jane Millar is continuing on as
our Treasurer and we are very fortunate to still have her as she has been serving the Toronto
Harp Society for over 40 years.

In addition to fulfilling the ongoing mission of the Toronto Harp Society, we have a few
goals that we are hoping to accomplish in the next two years or so:
1. Expanding our membership by reaching out to other harpists, pedal and lever, all
across Ontario, including Ottawa and Kingston. This can help raise funds for our
highly successful scholarship program.
2. Reaching out to other Canadian harp communities, such as West Coast Harp for their
collegial support.

We also have some exciting news to share with you:
1.Our scholarship audition will be held on April 6, 2019 at Armour Heights Presbyterian
Church, Toronto. Please mark your schedule!
2. We have just received a grant from the American Harp Society to help fund our
scholarship program! We would like to express our gratitude to our former officers,
Angela, Liane, and Jane for their dedication in securing this grant. We also thank
Angela and Liane for serving as our President and Vice President for the last six
years, and Jane who continues as our Treasurer and website manager.
3.We are now on Instagram! Please continue to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get the
latest updates. Please also feel free to send us photos and news of your harp-related
events.--We would love to promote our members in the harp community and beyond.

Finally, we would love to hear from you! Your input and comments are important to us. 

If you have not renewed your membership yet, please do so by December 31, 2018 to
continue enjoying our membership benefits. Please also consider making a donation which
helps us continue running our organization smoothly. Last but not least, please stay tuned for
more projects and news updates. We wish you a wonderful holiday season! Thank you.

Teresa Suen-Campbell