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2025 Categories & Required Repertoire: 

Already we are excited and planning for next year's OHS Scholarships! These will be held in 2025 in person... except for the Creative Explorations categories which will be held virtually. Please find below the categories and required repertoire. More details will unfold.

Participants are welcome to select music that is equivalent to the RCM level beyond the limits of the syllabus. Music not in the syllabus must be approved by the scholarship committee This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please submit your pre-approval request prior to March 1, 2025.

🎶 Open Category

  • Open category for young harpists at a novice level (pre RCM level 4). Teachers must recommend candidates for this category. 
  • Repertoire: one piece of the performer’s choice.

🎶 Level 4 Lever/Pedal Harp

  • THE CARIBOO WAGON ROAD by Sharlene Wallace
  • Contrasting piece from the RCM (2009) online harp syllabus, level 4 

🎶 Level 6 Lever/Pedal Harp 

  • THE DOWNSTAIRS SPIDER by Elizabeth Volpé Bligh
  • Contrasting piece from the RCM (2009) online harp syllabus, level 6

🎶 Level 8 Lever Harp

  • ON THE WATER by Monika Stadler
  • Contrasting piece from the RCM (2009) online harp syllabus, level 8

🎶 Level 8 Pedal Harp

  • ON THE WATER by Monika Stadler
  • Contrasting piece from the RCM (2009) online harp syllabus, level 8

🎶 Advanced Lever Harp (RCM level 9+)

  • Present a diverse program selected by the performer, highlighting their skill and artistry on the lever harp. Repertoire should be at a RCM level 9 or higher – please refer to the RCM syllabus as a reference/resource. Pieces by Canadian, women and BIPOC composers are encouraged but not mandatory. 
  • A performer’s presentation resembling a mini-concert, entailing an introduction of each piece along with additional contextual information to foster a deeper connection with the audience. Topics for discussion may include, but are not limited to: the selection process for the pieces, their contrasting elements, personal significance, crafting a creative narrative. 
  • A maximum performance time, inclusive of speaking, of 20 minutes.

🎶 Level 10 Pedal Harp

  • Present two contrasting pieces, selected by the performer, highlighting their skill and artistry on the pedal harp. Repertoire should be at a RCM level 10 – please refer to the RCM syllabus as a reference/resource. Pieces by Canadian, women and BIPOC composers are encouraged but not mandatory. 
  • A performer’s presentation resembling a mini-concert, entailing an introduction of each piece along with additional contextual information to foster a deeper connection with the audience. Topics for discussion may include, but are not limited to: the selection process for the pieces, their contrasting elements, personal significance, crafting a creative narrative. 
  • A maximum performance time, inclusive of speaking, of 15 minutes.

🎶 ARCT/University Pedal Harp

  • Present a diverse program selected by the performer, highlighting their skill and artistry on the pedal harp. Repertoire should be at a RCM ARCT level – please refer to the RCM syllabus as a reference/resource. Pieces by Canadian, women and BIPOC composers are encouraged but not mandatory. 
  • A performer’s presentation resembling a mini-concert, entailing an introduction of each piece along with additional contextual information to foster a deeper connection with the audience. Topics for discussion may include, but are not limited to: the selection process for the pieces, their contrasting elements, personal significance, crafting a creative narrative. 
  • A maximum performance time, inclusive of speaking, of 20 minutes.

🎶 Creative Exploration: Harp Explorers & Harp Futures - Virtual submission and adjudication

The Creative Exploration scholarship is intended to celebrate, empower and welcome creativity using the harp as a featured or notable element of your artistic presentation. If you have any questions, please contact the scholarship committee This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 

  • Harp Explorers (ages 16 and under) - encourages those exploring their voice through the harp to develop artistic practices and curiosities.

Please submit a video submission which is representative of your artistic explorations with and around the harp. Please include a descriptive introduction, whether written or folded into the video. Maximum 5 minutes.

  • Harp Futures (ages 17+) - encourages exploration and innovative artistic choices. Be bold! 

Please submit a video submission which is representative of your artistic explorations with and around the harp. Please include a descriptive introduction, whether written or folded into the video. Maximum 10 minutes.

Examples of possible submissions: an original composition . free improvisation . complete reworking of a pre-existing composition . set a poem/painting (original/public domain) to music . harp + electronics

Please note:
The repertoire listed above is from the RCM 2009 Harp Syllabus.
Repertoire cannot be substituted on the day of adjudication.
Repertoire not in the syllabus is subject to approval from the scholarship committee which must be granted prior to the application being submitted (contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Memorization of repertoire is highly advised and will influence marks awarded.

Candidates must provide music for the jury for the graded categories. Creative Explorations may provide music, a chart or a description.

Any repertoire inquiries or other questions can be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ðŸŽ¶