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Dear Members of the Ontario Chapter of AHS,

It's the most wonderful time of the year again! Trust everyone is well and sound. 

As we are preparing for the joyful and busy season ahead, here are a few quick updates: 

1. To honour the ongoing mission of the American Harp Society, which is, "to celebrate our legacy, inspire excellence, and empower the next generation of harpists", our major goal this year is to support young and aspiring harpists in our community through education. We just kickstarted our year with the enlightening Harp Therapy Workshop led by CTHP Martha Lawrance in November. It had a great turn out and attracted many to attend, harpists and non-harpists alike. 

2. In the new year ahead, we will continue to empower the next generation by hosting a Masterclass by renowned Canadian harpist and teacher, Sarah Davidson. Sarah is the Principal Harpist with the Canadian Opera Company and has held this position since 1979 She has taught the harp and continues to do so privately since 1978 and was professor of harp at the University of Western Ontario for five years.  She has adjudicated for various Festivals throughout Ontario and has been an examiner for the Glenn Gould School of Music and the University of Toronto. We are really honoured that Sarah has agreed to share her insights and knowledge on the harp with our budding harpists in the GTA area and beyond. Please mark your calendar: APRIL 19th (Sun) and stay tuned for more information in the new year.

3. We are also excited to host our first Music Auditions and Evaluations, a new initiative of AHS in May next year. Students will have the opportunity to perform a piece of music for a professional musician and receive feedback. They will then have a couple of weeks to improve on their piece before returning to perform the same piece again, demonstrating their growth. It will be led and organized by Dr. Angela Schwarzkopf.  Angela concertizes throughout North America as a soloist, chamber musician, and orchestral harpist and with many top chamber music, choral, and orchestral organizations. She is currently a course instructor at the University of Toronto, the private harp instructor at McMaster University, maintains a thriving studio of private students in Toronto, and is a newly appointed harp examiner with the Royal Conservatory College of Examiners. After serving as President of the Toronto Chapter of the American Harp Society from 2012-2018, she now serves as a Director at Large for the American Harp Society. Angela is currently seeking fellow committee members to help put on this event. If interested please contact her directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

4. For members who would like their harps to be regulated and serviced in the new year, please contact Karen Rokos directly atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please stay tuned for updates of her regulation trip to Toronto next year. Thank you.

5. January 1st, 2020 will be the 92nd birthday of our former President Susana Remenyi. We hereby wish her a very happy birthday in advance!!!

6. A gentle reminder that our membership fee is due on December 31, 2019. To make it easier for you, you can now send us your dues through e-transfer via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. (Please provide us your password if required). Of course, you are welcome to send the fee by cheque or PayPal online:

We appreciate your continued support! Your membership fee is important to us and will help fund our various meaningful projects of the year.  

Last but not least, please spread the word and news that we are now officially the Ontario Harp Society (Ontario Chapter of AHS) !  Please encourage harpists and harp lovers from all across Ontario to join our community. All are welcome!  Please also check out our website and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to get the most updated news. 

Have a happy holiday season ahead and all the best in 2020!  Happy Harping!


Teresa Suen-Campbell


Ontario Chapter of AHS