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The Auditions and Evaluations (A&E) program, created by the American Harp Society, is a fun and educational performance opportunity for harp students to work intensively on their solo repertoire and receive valuable insight from a professional musician.

The Ontario Harp Society's first A&E program will take place on Sunday January 17, 2021 at 1:00pm and Sunday February 7, 2021 on Zoom.

The A&E takes place in two parts:
1. During the first event, students perform for a guest adjudicator and receive feedback. The students will then have the opportunity to continue to work on their repertoire with their teacher for several weeks before returning for the second event.
2. The second part of the program is a performance, where the students play for members of the OHS, family, and friends, and show their growth and progress on their repertoire.

This program is open to all students of various ages and levels.
Our guest adjudicator will be Étienne Levesque, a versatile percussionist and music educator based in Toronto.
All A&E participants will receive a certificate of participation from the American Harp Society, Inc..

2 contrasting solo pieces (maximum 10 minutes) OR 3 pieces of different styles (maximum 10 minutes).

APPLICATION DEADLINE: December 17th, 2020

CONTACT (Application Form and information): contact