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Video Parameters


  • Your submission must be recorded in ONE TAKE. (Both pieces on one video. You can pause for as long as you’d like between pieces)  Any editing or cuts will result in disqualification. 
  • Your pieces may be recorded in any order. 
  • Please frame your video so that harp and harpist fill the frame view as much as possible.  
  • We recommend the use of an external microphone if one is available to you to make the sound as representative of your playing.  However, we will not be judging the audio quality, we are judging your performance. Smartphone/ipad video is acceptable. 
  • Your video must be uploaded to Youtube and set to “Unlisted” and you will submit the video link. (Detailed youtube uploading instructions below)
  • Participants can email questions or technical difficulties to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Video Submission
  • The deadline for video submissions is APRIL 17th, 2021 by 11:59pm. 
  • Please submit your videos
  • You will receive confirmation of the receipt of your submission and we will check that the video plays. We will not watch the whole video at this time so please confirm that the video plays all the way through before submitting. 
  • Video may not be edited or re-uploaded after submission. Please ensure you upload your best take. Videos edited after the submission may result in disqualification. 
Upload to youtube instructions
  1. Go to
    1. Create an account.  If you already have a google account you can use this. 
  2. In the top right hand corner there is a small icon in the shape of a video camera with the name “Create”
  3. Click “Upload video”
  4. Either click “Select Files” or drag and drop your file
  5. Please put your name and “OHS Scholarship Audition 2021” in the title
  6. Select “No, it’s not made for kids”
  7. Click “Next” to go to the “Video elements” page
  8. Click “Next” again to go to the “Visibility” page
  9. Under “Save and Publish” select “Unlisted”
  10. Copy the “video link” and save it
  11. Click “Save”
  12. Your video will now upload